How NOT to Write a Blog Entry
Have you ever wondered what a blog entry written at 1:45 in the morning, while drinking tequila might look like? Well wonder no more! Hi!
I should be going to bed now, I've been told, as it's work in the morning, however, I don't feel like it and since I am not ten years old any more, I don't have to. So there. So instead I thought I'd type some stuff as it comes into my head, which will be an exercise in how not to write anything, ever.
For example, I could tell you that late night Adult Swim is full of cartoons where giant asses talk, deformed, radioactive families live among the normal and giant boxes of French fries float in the air and have a beard and talk and stuff. It's like life on acid's real. Well ok, it's a cartoon, but it's a real cartoon. What? Shut up Guv.
I could also tell you that 1:45AM is the official time of day you most would like to eat onion rings because I suddenly have an enormous craving for them.
I could point out that my neighbour is not long for this world and I know this because I am going to kill him for being a noisy motherfucker who is probably cutting up bodies in his living room judging by the thumping and buzzing sounds coming from in there.
My belly button is itchy, that must mean something.
Finally, who thinks having sex in an igloo sounds like a fun idea? I'm not offering or anything, I just mean in general. I can't explain where that thought came from but I thought I'd throw it out there regardless. Sex in igloos, discuss.