Saturday, January 13, 2007


I've never been keen on flying. It just isn't natural for human beings to soar through the sky in a metal cylinder filled with fuel, at 500mph.

It's not strictly true to say that I'm afraid of flying. I'm not. I love flying. It's crashing and exploding I'm afraid of.

For example, most people seem to request aisle seats on flights, for the extra leg room. Me, I like to make sure I have a window seat, so I can keep an eye on the engines and make routine checks to make sure they're still firmly attached to the wing and that the wing is still safely bolted to the fuselage. If, at some point, either of these things is not as it should be, I pledge to be the one who brings it to the attention of the flight staff by standing up on my seat, flailing my arms like a demented octopus and screaming, "Oh my God, we're all going to die!"

In conclusion, flying is not natural.